Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Want to Help Make a Difference?

More than 30,000 women have been touched by The Mommies Network. Our members have found friends when lonely, help when needy, answers when confused, comfort when grieving. All this is possible through 84 chapters nationwide that provide a safe and FREE place for moms to meet online and in real life.

Little things mean a lot to moms. That's why we are asking you to share your story and our fundraising campaign to help us grow and improve. Every $10 donation helps us connect moms to the resources they need to change the world - one family, one neighborhood, one community at a time. Each social media share, on average, helps us get $18 closer to our goal. So, please, take a moment to give us a boost.

Thanks for helping us make a difference for mommies, families, and communities across the country.
Monday, October 1, 2012

Please help us meet our goal!

These voices represent the tens of thousands who belong to our communities and many more who just haven’t found us yet. Help us continue to provide the valuable connections that makes every mom's life better.
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